
Vorladen von CSS-Bildern für :hover

Die Navigation von dracoblue.net habe ich mit CSS-Background Bildern und einem :hover-effect gemacht. Beim Hovern, wird das Bild dann einfach in einer etwas helleren Version zeigt.

Es gibt also:




In meinem CSS, sieht das dann so aus:

a#newsLink {
    background: transparent url('menu_news.png') no-repeat;
a#newsLink:hover {
    background: transparent url('menu_news_hover.png') no-repeat;

All dass ist natürlich gängige Praxis, aber ich hatte damit ein Usability-Problem für meine Benutzer. Die

*hover.png Dateien werden erst geladen, sobald man mit der Maus über den Navigationseintrag geht, ihn also hover't. In der Perspektive des Serverbesitzers, ist man darüber vielleicht froh. Aber für den Benutzer, ist das neue (hellere) Bild, für knapp eine Sekunde nicht verfügbar. Es dauert ja ein bisschen, bis das Bild vom Server zum User kommt.

Hier nun meine Lösung, woe man die Bilder vorlädt (ohne Javascript oder stub-'s zu benutzen).

td#newsLink a {
  background: transparent url('menu_news.png') no-repeat;
td#newsLink a:hover {
  background: transparent url('menu_news_hover.png') no-repeat;
[strong]td#newsLink {
        fixed no-repeat
        -120px -120px;

In dem Beispiel habe ich das #newsLink auf das td des eigentlichen Links verschoben. Abschließend, habe ich eine neue Definition eingefügt, die ein sich nicht-wiederholendes und - mit Koordinaten -120x-120 - eindeutig unsichtbares Bild anzeigt.

In css, html, open source by DracoBlue @ 23 Feb 2009 | 224 Words

Preloading CSS-images for :hover

The top navigation here at dracoblue.net is done with css images, which also have a :hover-effect (showing a lighter version of the image).

So there is a:


and a


In CSS it looked like that:

a#newsLink {
    background: transparent url('menu_news.png') no-repeat;
a#newsLink:hover {
    background: transparent url('menu_news_hover.png') no-repeat;

All this is quite common, but I was facing a usability problem here. The

*hover.png files won't be loaded until one of the links got hover'd. In the perspective of the server owner, you might be happy about that. But for the user, the image is unavailable for nearly a second, because it takes time to deliver the image to the user.

So here is my solution to preload the image (without using javascript or stub-'s).

td#newsLink a {
  background: transparent url('menu_news.png') no-repeat;
td#newsLink a:hover {
  background: transparent url('menu_news_hover.png') no-repeat;
[strong]td#newsLink {
        fixed no-repeat
        -120px -120px;

I moved the #newsLink to the td surrouding the newsLink. And at the end, I added a new decleration for a non-repeating and - with coordinates -120x-120 - clearly invisible image.

In css, html, open source by DracoBlue @ 23 Feb 2009 | 207 Words

Concat multiple references as one imploded column (mysql)

In my blog I have the following structure (short version):

entry = id,title
category = id,name
entry_in_category = category_id, entry_id

I want to query for the following:

id | title           | categories
1  | My Entry        | php,mysql
2  | Second ...      | mysql,java

So if you want to get all entries with the corresponding categories you may do a refetch on each of the entries id in the entryincategory table. But if (for example for tags) you really just want to have the name of the categories and nothing more, here comes a pretty gentle way to solve that issue.

    e.id, e.title,
        SELECT <a href="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/group-by-functions.html#function_group-concat">GROUP_CONCAT</a>(c.name)
        FROM entry_in_category e_i_c 
            LEFT JOIN category c ON c.id=e_i_c.category_id
        WHERE e_i_c.entry_id = e.id
    ) categories
FROM entry e

This solution uses the

GROUP_CONCAT function, which was intruduced in mysql 4.1 and concats all results name-fields (oviously not grouped by anything) into a single string.

By default mysql concats the entries by using a ',' but you may use a different seperator by replacing the group-concat-part with the following:


Thanks to Christian for bringing up a similiar issue, hope that solution helps you to get an idea on how to deal with similiar cases.

In mysql, open source by DracoBlue @ 21 Feb 2009 | 227 Words

UTF-8 connections with Propel in Agavi

If you want to override the propel configurations for charset (encoding) for the connection you usally set the settings['charset'] value to for example utf8.

But if you are using agavi you want to configure propel properly by using agavi's databases.xml.

So after trying a while, here is how you can set the charset (magic is


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    &lt;databases default="propel">
      &lt;database name="propel"
        &lt;ae:parameter name="config">%core.app_dir%/config/propelproject-conf.php&lt;/ae:parameter>
        &lt;ae:parameter name="overrides">
          &lt;ae:parameter name="connection">
            &lt;ae:parameter name="dsn">mysql:dbname=icanhazagavirelease;host=;/ae:parameter>
            &lt;ae:parameter name="user">w00t&lt;/ae:parameter>
            &lt;ae:parameter name="password">not_default_pass&lt;/ae:parameter>
            [strong]&lt;ae:parameter name="settings">
              &lt;ae:parameter name="charset">
                &lt;ae:parameter name="value">utf8&lt;/ae:parameter>

In agavi, open source, php, propel by DracoBlue @ 18 Feb 2009 | 100 Words

Pre-Populating Formfields in Agavi

The AgaviFromPopulationFilter is handy to re-fill a form after validation failed and the user needs to check the values again (without refilling them by hand again).

But the FormPopulationFilter (FPF) is also capable of pre-filling forms.

Just get into your view and add the following:

if ([strong]'read'[/strong] == $this->getContext()->getRequest()->getMethod()) {
            new AgaviParameterHolder(
                    'name' => 'Test Entry',
                    [strong]'description'[/strong] => 'This is a short description'
            ), 'org.agavi.filter.FormPopulationFilter'

and your Formfields 'name' and 'description' will be prefilled.

I added the check for 'read' method, since you don't want to auto populate in the case you submitted the data.

The template looks tidy now:

<input type="text" name="name" />
<textarea name="[strong]description[/strong]"></textarea>

Thanks to

veikko and saracen.

In agavi, open source, php by DracoBlue @ 17 Feb 2009 | 132 Words

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