
Added new items, fixed language issues

Yesterday I finished new items for the game and today I fixed the issues with letters from german language, which have been displayed incorrect.

In online-game, project by DracoBlue @ 30 Jan 2007 | 24 Words

GTA:T Gang-Rankbars finished

Today I finished a new feature for GTA:Tournament.

Its only for the webpage, but is also worth to be mentioned. Since today, gang leaders can change the gang bar for their members. So all gang members have a same cool gang bar for their signature or webpage.

Example for GANG-Bars.

Possible Values:

  • Font-Color (e.g. FFFFDD, keep empty to unset))
  • Font-PaddingLeft: (e.g. 7)
  • Font-PaddingTop: (e.g. 3)
  • Font-Border: (e.g. 000000, keep empty to unset)
  • Show Nick: Show/Hide

GangBar File: (must be 350x20 and PNG)

GangButton File:Â? (must be 88x31 and GIF)

In gta:tournament, project by DracoBlue @ 29 Jan 2007 | 116 Words

#1 Introduction to programming

Today I finally finished the first part of my "

Einführung in die Programmierung".

Currently its a german article about Programming in general explained with Lua.

It includes introduction in commands (functions) and propertys (attribute), but also an introduction in using them.

In articles, lua, open source by DracoBlue @ 29 Jan 2007 | 44 Words

Character selection/Mangm. & monster spawns

Finally I finished the character selection. So you can easily switch between characters without needing to create an other account (whats prohibited).

Also there are monster spawns now. They don't appear automaticly, but you can see what monsters would spawn next to you and click them to start the fight.

Last but not least I finished the backup script, so the game specific stuff is getting directly in my svn repository.

In online-game, project by DracoBlue @ 28 Jan 2007 | 71 Words

Finished first version of luainfo()

Since its available for php as phpinfo I made a luainfo.lua for lua, too.

It shows loaded packages, response vars and other server variables.

Grab a preview in this rendered html file and grab the MIT-licensed luainfo.lua source.

In lua, mod_wombat, open source by DracoBlue @ 27 Jan 2007 | 41 Words

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