Today was patchday! I added several new stuff, some little updates, minor fixes and lots of new fun for GTA:Tournament.
HotSpots The very new feature. Sense of HotSpots is simple, big fights in areas of GTA:Tournament. Every 10 minutes, the spot changes. When you are beating somebody in the spotarea (where it is, gets announced) - you get 5 extra respect! So tell your clanmates about this, and own whole san andreas!
To check wether you are in the hotspot area or not: Look at your H.U.D. If it changes from White/Yellow to Yellow/Red, you are in the HotSpot area!
/eject If you /lock'ed your car, you can use /eject nickname from this protection. So a gangmember or a friend can join the car anyways.
/ignore Sometimes you are annoyed by the stuff someone sends via PM or posts in Channels. You can use /ignore nick to toggle the ignore-mod for this player on/off. This will work for the current session, so if the player(or you) logs off - it will be reseted.
Little stuff
Now you can see, how long somebody is playing currently (/whois nick). You can view your
own GTA:T-Coins in
your profile now. If you already spent one, get a new one or delete your account and get a new one. This is to prevent heavy name changes and lots of work for us GameMasters .
If you don't got an account yet, you can still register ingame now with just
/register pass mail.
- [372] [Gameplay] HUD changes color, when in HotSpot area (DracoBlue)
- [351] [Gameplay] Respect Hotspots (DracoBlue)
- [371] [Gameplay] Changed, now /register pass mail (DracoBlue)
- [144] [Gameplay] wrong weapons displayed in gtatpage (DracoBlue)
- [290] [Balancing] Add Clantag to Clanpage (DracoBlue)
- [242] [Gameplay] /eject Commands (DracoBlue)
- [370] [Balancing] Not removing one wanted level when salary is paid. (DracoBlue)
- [328] [Website] GTAT Coins visible in profil. (DracoBlue)
- [367] [Gameplay] /ignore playername - to block whispering (DracoBlue)
- [330] [Gameplay] Add online since to whois (DracoBlue)
- [366] [Gameplay] Energydrinks not shown in HUD (DracoBlue)