
Lots of updates and HotSpots!

Today was patchday! I added several new stuff, some little updates, minor fixes and lots of new fun for GTA:Tournament.

HotSpots The very new feature. Sense of HotSpots is simple, big fights in areas of GTA:Tournament. Every 10 minutes, the spot changes. When you are beating somebody in the spotarea (where it is, gets announced) - you get 5 extra respect! So tell your clanmates about this, and own whole san andreas!

To check wether you are in the hotspot area or not: Look at your H.U.D. If it changes from White/Yellow to Yellow/Red, you are in the HotSpot area!

/eject If you /lock'ed your car, you can use /eject nickname from this protection. So a gangmember or a friend can join the car anyways.

/ignore Sometimes you are annoyed by the stuff someone sends via PM or posts in Channels. You can use /ignore nick to toggle the ignore-mod for this player on/off. This will work for the current session, so if the player(or you) logs off - it will be reseted.

Little stuff Now you can see, how long somebody is playing currently (/whois nick). You can view your own GTA:T-Coins in your profile now. If you already spent one, get a new one or delete your account and get a new one. This is to prevent heavy name changes and lots of work for us GameMasters smiley. If you don't got an account yet, you can still register ingame now with just /register pass mail.


  • [372] [Gameplay] HUD changes color, when in HotSpot area (DracoBlue)
  • [351] [Gameplay] Respect Hotspots (DracoBlue)
  • [371] [Gameplay] Changed, now /register pass mail (DracoBlue)
  • [144] [Gameplay] wrong weapons displayed in gtatpage (DracoBlue)
  • [290] [Balancing] Add Clantag to Clanpage (DracoBlue)
  • [242] [Gameplay] /eject Commands (DracoBlue)
  • [370] [Balancing] Not removing one wanted level when salary is paid. (DracoBlue)
  • [328] [Website] GTAT Coins visible in profil. (DracoBlue)
  • [367] [Gameplay] /ignore playername - to block whispering (DracoBlue)
  • [330] [Gameplay] Add online since to whois (DracoBlue)
  • [366] [Gameplay] Energydrinks not shown in HUD (DracoBlue)

In gta:tournament, project by DracoBlue @ 31 Mar 2007 | 397 Words

LuaNET launched!

Today I finished first part of

LuaNET. Its not yet finished, but has already lots of functions (which will be in, when its finished).

LuaNET is intended to give users documentation for lua api, Lua How-Tos and of course a Lua Support Forum (which have been missing in the lua world).

This page is still in beta, please try it and leave some comments!

In lua, luanet, open source, project by DracoBlue @ 29 Mar 2007 | 69 Words

Balancing in GTA:Tournament

Today I added lots of features, fixes and new stuff to the game. After the big discussion we found lots of soloutions.

Here is whats implemented in the end, so far.

Artifact changes:

  • the one who kills the artifact guy, gets 14% of the money the one carries
  • the one who had artifact loses 20% of the wallet money he has
  • if noone had the artifact the guy, who get it by random gets $100
  • if you kill a gangmate wich has artifact, you loose the money, but a random person gets the artifact!

Fuelsystem changes:

  • canisters cost $5 from vendors (so business owner, adjust the price please!)
  • cars are empty on server restart
  • cars refill only 3,3% with canister
  • you are able to carry a max of 30 canisters.
  • gas statio refills only the canister potion if you are in a car.


  • [356] [Security Issue] Everybody can kick u from server. (DracoBlue)
  • [128] [Missions] Speed Over 100km/h and all in car get star. (DracoBlue)
  • [286] [Spawnpoints] Not enough ammo for m4 and ak47 (DracoBlue)
  • [318] [Gameplay] Uzi Arena (repleace Uzi for Tec-9). (DracoBlue)
  • [362] [Balancing] Artifact rebalanced. (DracoBlue)
  • [363] [Balancing] Fuelsystem rebalanced (DracoBlue)
  • [361] [Balancing] Double effect for all food (DracoBlue)
  • [277] [Gameplay] no text for disco pickup (DracoBlue)
  • [360] [Balancing] If you buy in car at gas station it fills full - not wanted! (DracoBlue)
  • [343] [Balancing] Fuel full on server restart (DracoBlue)
  • [354] [Gameplay] every weapon is replacing the first weapon (DracoBlue)
  • [346] [Balancing] gang limit dont work (DracoBlue)

In gta:tournament, project by DracoBlue @ 28 Mar 2007 | 313 Words

Weapon system issues fixed

Today I fixed some, pleae report at

issue tracker, if you find one again.


  • [349] Weapons didn't replace corrrectly, if you buy the second
  • [344] AK 47 doesn't replaces m4
  • [350] Slots not correct calculated and wrong weapons replaces wrong

In gta:tournament, project by DracoBlue @ 20 Mar 2007 | 54 Words

network-manager-pptp doesn't work

We spend some hours by solving this issue on fresh edgy installation.

If try launching nm-applet with

nm-applet --sm-disable

doesn't work, then here is the


Change in the following two files:

  • /etc/dbus-1/system.d/NetworkManager.conf
  • /etc/dbus-1/system.d/nm-applet.conf


<policy context="default">
        <allow own="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"/>
        <allow senddestination="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"/>
        <allow sendinterface="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"/>


<policy context="default">
        <allow own="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"/>
        <allow senddestination="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"/>
        <allow sendinterface="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"/>

Then restart dbus:

sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart

And launch the applet:


Now it should work like a charm.

In articles, linux by DracoBlue @ 19 Mar 2007 | 86 Words

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