
Command line escape character for .bat on windows

If you want to escape special characters on .bat-files for windows, you need to put a

^ in front of it.

I noticed this, while trying to write a ">" to a file with one line.

echo test=^<info^> > test.txt

This writes "test=" into the file test.txt.

In , .bat, articles, open source, windows by DracoBlue @ 30 Apr 2007 | 53 Words

Lua table introduction

Today I finished the small

introduction in lua's powerful table element. Even though it shows most of the intuitive design of tables in lua, its good if you also have a look at the pages of the other table-functions like table.concat, to get detailed examples.

In lua, luanet, open source, project by DracoBlue @ 30 Apr 2007 | 48 Words

Issues when including utf-8 files in an ansi .php

When trying to include a utf-8 encoded file with an anis-encoded php script, I got an error that the headers have already been send (PHP 5.1.6).

So stick with one encoding to prevent such issues.

In open source, php by DracoBlue @ 16 Apr 2007 | 35 Words

Updating attachment issue with Mysql 5.0.18 in SMF 1.1.2

When trying to update (creation works well) a post, which has attachements it often (nearly) happens that my mysql 5.0.18 crashes.

I looked into the statement and saw that it shouldn't be (around line 568):

( a.attachmentType =3 AND thumbparent.IDTHUMB = a.ID_ATTACH )

mysql 5 doesn't crash when using this instead:

( thumbparent.IDTHUMB = a.ID_ATTACH AND a.attachmentType =3 )

Basicly this seems to be an mysql 5.0 issue, but this quickfix helped me to keep my site working with smf attachements.

I posted already a

bugreport on official simplemachines site.

In mysql, open source, smf by DracoBlue @ 06 Apr 2007 | 108 Words

Newsflut.de relaunch!

With new Wordpress Version (2.1), I also updated the layout of Newsflut.de.

Newsflut.de 2.0 Relaunch


In newsfult|de, project by DracoBlue @ 02 Apr 2007 | 26 Words

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