
Removing @since and @author from JavaDoc

Today I was polishing up the release for spludo and I removed all @author + @since tags from the javascript doc.

In first place, I thought I might keep them in. But, I was unsure about a good guideline how to keep them up to date.

Let's take for instance @since. What does this exactly mean. It may mean when the function or class was added. But what if the signature changed? Is this a different function or still the same? Are this still the same @authors?

I came to the conclusion that they are hard to maintain and git/subversion give me the info I need in a way more convenient way. So I removed them with this commit.

In coding standards, open source, spludo by DracoBlue @ 19 Sep 2010 | 122 Words

Lua Implementation of OAuth

Since twitter stopped supporting basic auth, some are searching for a lua implementation of oauth.

A while back (in last 2009) I wrote a library for exactly this, but didn't finished it. So I took some time to polish it up and it works still great ;-).

So have fun with the MIT licensed lua oauth library download or source at github.

In lua, open source by DracoBlue @ 16 Sep 2010 | 64 Words

Different ssh port with rsync

If you want to to backup from/to an ssh server and this server does not run on 22 as port, you can use this workaround:

rsync -r [strong]-e 'ssh -p 4321'[/strong] [email protected]:/home/user/test backup -v

This will sync from the host

[email protected] (by using ssh and port 4321) the folder /home/user/test to the folder backup on your local harddisk.

In bash by DracoBlue @ 16 Sep 2010 | 64 Words

NodeJS Webframeworks Benchmark August 2010

Since now I am releasing spludo pretty soon, I wanted to check out how performance is against other web frameworks for node.js.

I made a previous test for this already, running nodejs 0.1.98.

This results are against: nodejs 0.2.0. To keep it fair (and little expressive) I just took the hello world application from each framework and benchmarked those with apache benchmark.

Concurrency Level: 32 (was 256 in the previous test)

ab -n 10000 -c 32 http://spludo.com:8080/


josi: 3944.78 [#/sec]
expressjs 1.0: 6480.42 [#/sec]
(fab):  8203.74 [#/sec]
[strong]spludo 7454.60 [#/sec][/strong]

Concurrency Level: 1

ab -n 10000 -c 1 http://spludo.com:8080/


josi: 3162.31 [#/sec] (was 3012.32)
expressjs 1.0: 3497.71 [#/sec] (was 2744.79 in 0.9)
(fab): 4199.95 [#/sec] (was 4271.43)
[strong]spludo: 3923.69 [#/sec][/strong] (was 3866.12)

The source code for all sample applications may be found at the

public gist post.

The Test PC was a i7-920 Quadcore with HT and 8GB DDR3 RAM and a single node.js instance running.

In javascript, node.js, spludo by DracoBlue @ 29 Aug 2010 | 183 Words

JsBehaviour 1.0 released

This is a tiny library I have been using to create inline dynamic effects at docsforit without inline javascript. Since it is not spludo (serverside javascript mvc framework) specific and works as long as mootools is available, I release it for the public today.

How does it work?

The idea behind JsBehaviour is pretty simple. Put a class ( jsb) on all elements which should be enriched/enhanced by javascript. Additionally put a class [em]jsb keyword[/em] on the element to define which behaviour should be applied to the element.

Each behaviour can register on such keyword by using this

JsBehaviourToolkit.registerHandler('keyword', KeywordBehaviour);

method. As soon as the dom is loaded


is executed. You might even overwrite your Request.HTML method to do the same.

Hope you enjoy to work and tweak this little piece of MIT-licensed software.

Download @ DracoBlue.net and js-behaviour@dracoblue.

Demo + Spludo-Integration at "Editing the sections" on docsforit (double click on the content, this is all done by using JsBehaviour!!).

In javascript, jsb, mootools, open source, spludo by DracoBlue @ 06 Jul 2010 | 176 Words

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