
Generate Sitemap for jekyll-models

If you want to use a sitemap with jekyll, you need to use a plugin like recurser's generate_sitemap.rb.

This works well for static pages and for posts, but won't work out of the box, if you use jekyll-models.

Since I am creating the downloads area of dracoblue.net with jekyll-models, I want to have those downloads in the sitemap.xml, too.

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In jekyll by DracoBlue @ 04 Dec 2013 | 178 Words

Run Jekyll as Upstart/Monit Service

When using jekyll to generate a static page, I wanted to have jekyll running as a service (by using upstart and monit).

Usually you launch jekyll with the --watch parameter and it will refresh the page continously.

Setup a upstart file called /etc/init/jekyll.conf.

    export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
    exec start-stop-daemon --make-pid --start --pidfile /var/run/jekyll.pid --chdir /home/dracoblue/live/ --chuid dracoblue:dracoblue --exec /usr/bin/jekyll -- build --watch
end script

It's very important to have export LANG="en_US.UTF-8" in this definition, because otherwise jekyll uses US-ASCII and you can't get rid of messages like:

Liquid Exception: invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII in
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In jekyll, monit, ubuntu, upstart by DracoBlue @ 03 Dec 2013 | 213 Words

bash-tip: avoiding subshells with HERE-documents

While I was working on toolsapi-shell client, I ran into a quite common bash problem.

echo "POS before: $POS"
ls | while read line
  # do handling for each line (skipped here)
    echo "current POS: $POS"
  let 'POS += 1'
echo "POS after: $POS"
# Result:
#  POS before: 0
#  current POS: 0
#  current POS: 1
#  current POS: 2
#  POS after: 0

This is not what one or another expects here.

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In bash by DracoBlue @ 25 Aug 2013 | 325 Words

Installing php apd on php 5.3.10

Today I wanted to extend the phpdebugtoolbar to allow tracing for good old mysql_query commands. This can be possible by using the

rename_function-method, which is provided by the apd pecl extension. It's a pitty that this extension cannot be compiled for php >= 5.3 without any patch. So here the step by step guide to get it up and running on a php 5.3 or later. 1. Download apd-1.0.1.tar.gz from pecl.php.net. 2. Extract the files 3. Patch the code

diff --git a/php_apd.c b/php_apd.c
index 6707e02..8bfafb5 100644
--- a/php_apd.c
+++ b/php_apd.c
@@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ ZEND_DLEXPORT void onStatement(zend_op_array *op_array)
 int apd_zend_startup(zend_extension *extension)
-       CG(extended_info) = 1;  /* XXX: this is ridiculous */
+       CG(compiler_options) |= ZEND_COMPILE_EXTENDED_INFO;
        return zend_startup_module(&apd_module_entry);
  1. Run

phpize to configure the extension. 5. Run make to build the extension 6. Run sudo make install to copy the .so to the necessary location 7. Add this line to your php.ini (the folder may be different on your system)


That's it. If you receive the error message, that apd.so is not a valid extension, you must use "zend_extension=" and not "extension=" to configure the extension properly! Call

$ php --version
Copyright (c) 1997-2011 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Zend Technologies
    with Advanced PHP Debugger (APD) v1.0.1, , by George Schlossnagle
    with Xdebug v2.1.2, Copyright (c) 2002-2011, by Derick Rethans

and the Advanved PHP Debugger info appears.

In open source, php by DracoBlue @ 26 Apr 2012 | 258 Words

Install pandoc 1.9 on ubuntu lucid/oneric

Don't install pandoc with apt-get. Follow those instructions to get the latest version, You need haskell-platform. Don't install haskell with apt-get, too. Use this guide

how to install haskell on ubuntu. As soon as you are done, you can install pandoc with this:

$ cabal update
$ cabal install pandoc

Remember to do this NOT with sudo, because you want to have cabal locally available with the current user. But if it fails with:

Resolving dependencies...
cabal: dependencies conflict: base- requires syb == however
syb- was excluded because json-0.5 requires syb >=0.3.3

you did accidently installed haskell-platform with apt-get. Do

$ sudo apt-get remove haskell-platform

and follow the link from the beginning of this post!

In ubuntu by DracoBlue @ 10 Mar 2012 | 135 Words

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