
Generate Sitemap for jekyll-models

If you want to use a sitemap with jekyll, you need to use a plugin like recurser's generate_sitemap.rb.

This works well for static pages and for posts, but won't work out of the box, if you use jekyll-models.

Since I am creating the downloads area of dracoblue.net with jekyll-models, I want to have those downloads in the sitemap.xml, too.

This small patch against generate_sitemap.rb, adds the functionality to render all jekyll-models in the sitemap, too.

diff --git a/_plugins/generate_sitemap.rb b/_plugins/generate_sitemap.rb
index bb683b8..72dfd92 100644
--- a/_plugins/generate_sitemap.rb
+++ b/_plugins/generate_sitemap.rb
@@ -114,6 +114,16 @@ module Jekyll
         result += entry(url, post.date, get_attrs(post), site)

+      for model_name in site.config['jekyll_models'] do
+        models = site.site_payload['site'][model_name]
+        for model in models do
+          url     = model['mdl_type'] + '/' + model['mdl_name']
+          url     = '/' + url unless url =~ /^\//
+          url     = url[0..-11] if url=~/\/index.html$/
+          result += entry(url, model['timestamp'], Hash.new, site)
+        end
+      end

To apply the patch: Create a test.patch file and run patch -p0 -i test.patch.

In jekyll by
@ 04 Dec 2013, Comments at Reddit & Hackernews

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