Today Version 0.11.0 of
We've got lots of bugfixes in this testing release. Those include fixes for problems with sql-defaults, custom ports and special truc install folders. Also changelog is added and version is displayed in title and footer.
Still we can't test truc on all possible systems, so leave us a comment if it doesn't work for you and of course feel free to contribute new feature request or comment, so we can make TRUC better again.
Updating from 0.10.0 is very easy. Update the files and execute the 3 sql statements:
ALTER TABLE `testsuite` CHANGE `LockedDate` `LockedDate` VARCHAR( 19 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ;
ALTER TABLE `testsuite` CHANGE `LockedBy` `LockedBy` VARCHAR( 30 ) NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `testsuite` CHANGE `VersionCounter` `VersionCounter` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
Remember that TRUC is still Beta.