
JSB 1.3.0 released - Good bye Inline-Javascript

Today I finally finished JSB 1.3.0. The JsBehavourToolkit is a little toolkit to avoid any inline javascript, allow copy-and-paste of behaviour on html elements.

There is a native version, which works without any framework from (Firefox 3+, Safari 5+, Opera, Chrome and IE9+). The jQuery and Mootools Version works with any browser (even IE6).

New in 1.3.0 is a simple (by design!) event system. It is framework independent and works with simple channel identifier and a json-object as value.

jsb.fireEvent('HoneyPot::CLICKED', {"name": "Bob", "times": 2});

This should be fired by a Js-Behaviour which needs to say something, instead of global variables and direct call. This enables you to use dependency injection if you keep the channel identifier the same.

You can listen to that event, too:

    'HoneyPot::CLICKED', // identifier
    function(values) { // callback
        alert('The user ' + values.name + ' clicked it already ' + values.times);

It's even possible to filter for a filter-object when listening:

    'HoneyPot::CLICKED', // identifier
    {"name": "Bob"}, // filter everything with name = Bob
    function(values) { // callback
        alert('The user ' + values.name + ' clicked it already ' + values.times);

You may also use RegExp as channel identifier when calling jsb.on:

    /^HoneyPot.*$, // identifier which starts with HoneyPot*
    function(values) { // callback
        alert('The user ' + values.name + ' clicked it already ' + values.times);

Have fun with this release.

Sourcecode is of course MIT-Licensed and available on github. Tests for jquery, mootols and native version are shipped in the tests-folder.

In javascript, jquery, jsb, mootools, open source by
@ 04 Jan 2012, Comments at Reddit & Hackernews

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