
Hello Agavi-World! (Removing the default route)

In the previous step we

created our agavi project. Now we'll add some life!

Like defined in the previous step, the default action is Default.Index. As we just want to make a simple Hello World for that page, we head over to tambo/app/modules/Default/templates/IndexSuccess.php and change it's content to

    echo 'Hello World!';

But if we visit http://localhost/ws/tambo/pub/ we still see the agavi logo! Open app/config/routing.xml and remove the 5th and 6th line stating:

<!-- this shows the welcome page after creating a project … ->
&lt;route pattern=”” module=”%actions.default_module%” … />

If we head over to http://localhost/ws/tambo/pub/ now, we see the brand new "Hello World!". Not so amazing :(. Don't worry, you just saw the rain drop on top of the tip of the ice berg.

In agavi, open source, php, tambo by
@ 05 Feb 2009, Comments at Reddit & Hackernews

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