
Facebook Api throws unsupported get request

While working with the facebook api (to fetch data about a facebook page), I noticed the following error:

  "error": {
    "message": "Unsupported get request.",
    "type": "GraphMethodException",
    "code": 100

The request was properly made (e.g. /v2.0/JimBeam?fields=id) with the fb api explorer, but it did not work.

A quick google search turned out multiple reasons, why it does not work.

  1. If the page is in sandbox mode, it will work if you are not in sandbox mode anymore.
  2. If the page is age restricted, you need an access token of a user, who is old enough to see the page.
  3. If the page is flagged as related to alcohol, you need also an access token of a user, who is old enough to see the page.
  4. Setting restrictions (like contains alcohol/18+) does not allow you to access restricted pages. So you always need a user access token.

Hopefully this helps somebody else, having the same issue!

In api, facebook by
@ 05 May 2014, Comments at Reddit & Hackernews

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