
Automated Tests for your @example Code Tags

When I am working on craur, I try to keep every method well documented.

I define well documented in such way, that I don't document things, which php already knows (e.g. parameter count, type hinting, etc) or which are obvious when looking at the signature (e.g. type for parameter called: title).

One thing I tend to document, are examples (with @example-tag) how the code is useful. Let's take this example for the createFromHtml method in craur:

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In java, javascript, open source, php, ruby, unit tests by DracoBlue @ 17 Dec 2013 | 359 Words

Fast clicktracking with nginx logs

When your web site is static (generated upfront or cached in varnish/nginx), you cannot update view/hits/download counters on each request. This click tracking needs to be done with additional requests.

Let's say our download urls look like this:

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In linux, nginx, open source, ubuntu by DracoBlue @ 13 Dec 2013 | 328 Words

Running static blog with nginx

If you created your blog without php/ruby (e.g. with jekyll or middleman, you need a webserver to serve the page.

If you host it with nginx, this is a very basic template:

server {
    listen               *:80;
    server_name          example.org;

    gzip             on;
    gzip_min_length  1000;
    gzip_types       text/plain application/xml application/json text/css application/x-javascript;
    gzip_disable     "MSIE [1-6]\.";

    root   /home/example/live/_site/;

    index index.html;
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In jekyll, linux, nginx, open source, ubuntu by DracoBlue @ 12 Dec 2013 | 247 Words

Compile SAMP Scripts with pawncc.exe on linux

If you want to create scripts for San Andreas Multiplayer, you usually compile them on your windows PC.

But since you might want to automate it on a linux machine (e.g. to test your scripts on travis-ci), the pawncc.exe won't run on linux out of the box.

I am aware of the fact, that the team of the pawn language provides a native linux compiler called pawncc on their website, but the resulting .amx files do not work with the samp server.

To get our ubuntu linux box ready for compiling samp pawn scripts, we need some essentials.

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In linux, open source, pawn, samp, ubuntu, wine by DracoBlue @ 11 Dec 2013 | 470 Words

Gotchas, when parsing xml/html with php

Since Craur is able to parse XML/HTML easily (by using DOMDocument, BUT not XPath under the hood), you might want to know from what diversity of headaches it safes you.

DOMDocument::loadXML/loadHTML and UTF-8: It does not like non-utf8 strings.

You have to work around this, by using iconv/mbstring:

$xml_string = iconv($encoding, 'utf-8', $xml_string);
$node = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$is_loaded = $node->loadXML($xml_string, LIBXML_NOCDATA | LIBXML_NOWARNING | LIBXML_NOERROR);
if (!$is_loaded)
    throw new Exception('Invalid xml: ' . $xml_string);
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In craur, html, open source, php, xml by DracoBlue @ 10 Dec 2013 | 971 Words

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