Now I made little adjustments with the artifact.
If somebody beats his Gangmate to get the artifact, it won't work anymore.Â? Its lost, and will be given to another random person.
- Â? [331] Artefakt farming prevent
Now I made little adjustments with the artifact.
If somebody beats his Gangmate to get the artifact, it won't work anymore.Â? Its lost, and will be given to another random person.
Today I updated the
docs for the windows package management system once again, because lots of new functions, which have been added to the pkg.exe.
Now I added a info bar to, which shows latest devblog information and rotates features.
Hope this helps getting lates information right from the dev-diary.
Â? Today I finally fixed lots of stuff in Truc and added some new features.
Thanks to everyone who contributed feature requests and reported issues! All changes have been made in
SVN now. We'll release a new testing package soon.
While packing the first packages, I expirienced issues with missing functions.
New functions are:
Whole documentation can be found in the