
Www-Archives and File-Archives

Today I finally added Www-Archives and File-Archives and the required makeAvailable-functions.

This generally means, that you can share your packages on a webserver somewhere and they'll be downloaded on demand only as soon as you try to install them.

The whole system is using sqlite3 now as database, and runs quite fast in tests.

In project, wnp by DracoBlue @ 18 Jul 2007 | 54 Words

DUDB 2.4 and DUtils 1.10

Today I updated DUDB and DUtils with new functionality.

DUDB 2.4 has now udb_renameUser(oldnick[],newnick[]) added and DUtils 1.10 has now a new function called frenametextfile(filename[],newfilename[]). I added both of them, because fputchar is still broken in sa-mp 0.2 on linux machines, so dudb uses the secure [em]fcopytextfile[/em] instead of the [em]fcopy[/em] which only works on windows.

Please update both, if you are using Dini, too.

In dini, dudb, dutils, open source, pawn by DracoBlue @ 12 Jul 2007 | 67 Words

Escaping { and } or javascript in smarty

When using php's smarty you sometimes want to use { and } (curly braces) in .tpl files.

For such things you can use the {literal}{what you want to do}<!-- {} -->{/literal} statement.

Detailed explanation at the

smarty documentation page.

In open source, php, smarty by DracoBlue @ 09 Jul 2007 | 42 Words

DracoBlue's Wiki moves to dev.dracoblue.net

Spieleschuppen.de started as very informative page about games, mainly about GTA:T.

But Spieleschuppen.de is/was german only, so the English/Polish/French-Content didn't fit in that context then.

Thatswhy I decided to move spieleschuppen.de's content to a new domain called dev.dracoblue.net. But thats not all, the german content will be detected and opens german interface at spiele.dracoblue.net instead. So german users have it way more easier to access german content and all other fellows can use dev.dracoblue.net or games.dracoblue.net now!

In project by DracoBlue @ 04 Jul 2007 | 79 Words

Forwarding X on Linux/Unix Machines

Like ssh.com says, you need to do the following things to successfully forward an X-Server to your client. [ol]

  • Servers X-Config needs to have:

    AllowX11Forwarding              yes

  • Clients Set in [em]/etc/ssh2/sshd2_config:[/em]

    ForwardX11 yes

  • Now connect via following command:

  • After that, use declare command to set the display to your servers one:

    declare -X DISPLAY=""

    (with your IP)

  • [/ol] Thats it.

    In articles, linux, open source, ssh, x window system by DracoBlue @ 03 Jul 2007 | 95 Words

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