
preg_match multiple lines

If you try to use preg_match on strings, which do have multiple lines you run into the problems that they actually won't match at all.

This can be easily fixed by adding s-modifier, so:


becomes to


and works like a charm!

In open source, php by DracoBlue @ 04 Jul 2008 | 54 Words


tcsh does some strange things, if you are using variables (in the example h in a one line while loop.

set h = 1; echo $h; while ( $h != 0 ) ; echo "Input please" ; set h = $< ; echo $h ; end ;
while? end
Input please
Input please

In dracoblue.net by DracoBlue @ 03 Jul 2008 | 69 Words

UrlEncode and Decode in JavaScript

While using the default JavaScript functions escape/unescape to (un)escape strings for url parameters, you'll run into issues, since JavaScript threats + as valid character and so on.

At PHPBuilder-Forums I found an

implementation, which does not work, since it only replaces the first + and leaves all other unchanged. That is very much wrong.

A fixed, and working implementation for urlencode can be found here:

function urlencode(str) {
 str = escape(str);
 str = str.replace(/\\+/g,'%2B');
 str = str.replace(/\\%20/g,'+');
 str = str.replace(/\\*/g,'%2A');
 str = str.replace(/\\//g,'%2F');
 str = str.replace(/\\@/g,'%40');
 return str;

In javascript, open source by DracoBlue @ 11 Jun 2008 | 96 Words

JavaScript new Exception(name,message)

Today I noticed that JavaScript doesn't provide an easy way to make/raise custom exceptions? while still providing an useful stacktrace.

Here is a code snippet used for the

GTA:T JavaScript interface to find the fitting stacktrace for a custom JavaScript Exception.

function Exception(name,msg) {
    try {
        throw new Error("")
    } catch (e) {
        e.stack = e.stack.split("@"+e.fileName+":").join(":");
        full_stack = e.stack.split("\\n");
        stack = [];
        stack[0] = "Exception: "+name+"(\""+msg+"\")"
        for (var i=2;i<full_stack.length-3;i++) {
            entry = full_stack[i];
            entry_detailed = entry.split(":");
            entry_detailed[1] = entry_detailed[1] - 4; // THIS is to
            // mark, that we'll "move" the source 4 lines higher,
            // ... because it's eval code executed. Remove that for
            // clear values.
            if (i==2) lineNumber = entry_detailed[1];
            stack[i] = entry_detailed.join(":");
        return {

You may use it that way:

try {
    function a() {
        throw new Exception("MyException","No permission!")
    function b() {
} catch (e) {
    alert(e.name+": "+e.message);
// Tested in Firefox
/* e:
Object {
  [name] => MyException
  [message] => No permission!
  [stack] => Exception: MyException("No permission!")
  [lineNumber] => 3

In html, javascript, open source by DracoBlue @ 05 Jun 2008 | 194 Words

Implode an Array in Java

Its quite simple to implement the function, you may know from

php, which concats all elements from an array as string and puts a seperator between those.

The following code snippet, takes all elements from inputArray (e.g. 1 2 and 3) and concat them to "1,2,3" and saves this into AsImplodedString.

String AsImplodedString;
if (inputArray.length==0) {
    AsImplodedString = "";
} else {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i=1;i<inputArray.length;i++) {
    AsImplodedString = sb.toString();

This implementation uses a StringBuffer to be faster with big arrays.

In java, open source by DracoBlue @ 11 Apr 2008 | 97 Words

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