
Chromium vs. Google Chrome: Different UserData Directory

When using Chromium (the snapshots of google chrome) and Google Chrome, there are different default directories for the personal data (like bookmarks, recent searches and so on).

Chromium (replace dracoblue, with your login): UserData:[em] C:\Users[/em]dracoblue[em]\AppData\Local\Chromium\User Data[/em]

Google Chrome (replace dracoblue, with your login): UserData: [em]C:\Users[/em]dracoblue[em]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data[/em] Chrome.exe: [em]C:\Users[/em]dracoblue[em]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application[/em]

This paths are for Windows VISTA, in XP you usually have to [em]C:\Documents and Settings\dracoblue... [/em].[em] [/em]

In articles, google chrome, windows by DracoBlue @ 05 Sep 2008 | 66 Words

WinPicker 0.4 available

Today I released Beta Version 0.4 of my new tool called WinPicker.

WinPicker Logo

WinPicker is some kind of

Windows Implementation of the Exposé from MacOSX.

Currently you are able to minimize/revert windows (rightclick), pick windows (leftclick), close windows (shift+rightklick), pick and minimize all other windows (shift+leftclick) and zoom in/out of windows (mousewheel).

In project, winpicker by DracoBlue @ 04 Sep 2008 | 70 Words

DJson 1.0 released

Today I released the first version of DJson. DracoBlue's DJson is a dynamic file based reader/writer for the pawn language.

[em]Why Djson as name?[/em] Because the saved files are encrypted with JSON (JavaScriptObjectNotation), which is a very light weight encoding for data structures and originally used to describe javascript objects.

Check out the official djson-page!

In djson, open source, pawn by DracoBlue @ 25 Aug 2008 | 56 Words

Change recursive CVS repository information on commanline

You can easily apply a new "Root"-file for a recursive checked out repository structure with the following line (assuming, that you don't have any files called "CVS/Root" except the CVS/Root).

 find . | grep "CVS/Root" | while read LINE; do echo "$LINE:";cp /home/dracoblue/Root $LINE; done

In this example /home/dracoblue/Root holds the updated Root-File and the command line is executed in the directory which you want to change recursively.

In articles, bash, linux, open source by DracoBlue @ 07 Aug 2008 | 74 Words

Launching Acrobat-Reader with Relative Filenames

Today I noticed once again, that texmaker only supports the following command to launch the newly generated .pdf file.

"C:/Program Files/Adobe/Reader 8.0/Reader/AcroRd32.exe" %.pdf

Actually AcrobatReader does not like that, since he won't find the .pdf file, since it is not a absolute path.

To fix that problem I wrote a small .bat-file called runincurrent_dir.bat and put that in my home directory. Contents:

%1 %CD%\%2

Now I put in the line for automatic pdf display the following:

c:\users\jan\run_in_current_dir.bat "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Reader 8.0/Reader/AcroRd32.exe" %.pdf

Hope that helps anyone else expiriencing problems with relative filenames and acrobat reader.

In articles, latex, open source by DracoBlue @ 16 Jul 2008 | 109 Words

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