
Could not complete the operation due to error 80020101

This happend to me when I tried to load ajax-content in internet explorer (worked fine in Firefox, etc), which had a script-tag without a valid comments tag.

So just for the record, here is the solution, which helped me.

Before (Broken):

<script type="text/javascript">
// -->

Fixed (Working)

<script type="text/javascript">
// <!--
// -->

In internet explorer, javascript by DracoBlue @ 14 May 2009 | 92 Words

Add Google Analytics (Tracking) to Redmine

Today I added some google analytics tracking to my redmine at


This was pretty easy, open:


Search for the

-tag and add the given code (from analytics page) before the tag.

You don't even need to restart your redmine.

Should work pretty much the same for all other tracking services!

In by DracoBlue @ 17 Apr 2009 | 60 Words

Online tool to autoindent Pawn-Code

Just a quick note, that I made one of my web-scripts available to everyone at TidyPawn.

I use TidyPawn usally to autoindent loosly formated pawn code.

In pawn by DracoBlue @ 11 Apr 2009 | 27 Words

DFairPlay Query-Server API

The dfairplay main servers, have a http-GET-based query system, which can be used by servers to check for unfair players. <!--more--> This article is pretty technically, because it's about the API.

If you want to access the API directly (without using one of the interfaces, like e.g.

filterscript for samp servers) you will have to query the following url:


this is the root, and should be prepended to all following examples.

All calls are made in the following scheme:


In the following documentation I'll use some wildcards:

  • %token% The token received by a previous create_session call.
  • %game% The game the server is for, currently it can be only "gtasa-samp".

Free functions (no token required):

  • /create_session/%game%/ Retruns a string, the token of the session. This token must be renewed after at least 300 seconds by any call requiring it, or by using the ping-function.
  • /is_alive/ Returns 1. Is just for checking if the server is there and working :).

Restricted functions (token required):

  • /ping/%token%/ Refreshs a timeout for a session. Retruns 1.
  • /destroy_session/%token%/ Destroys a session. Retruns 1 on success else 0.
  • /add_user/%token%/id/ip/ Adds a user with the corrosponding id (on the samp server) and her ip to the server. Influcens the result of the get_incidents function. Retruns 1 if the user is using dfairplay or 0 if she does not!
  • /delete_user/%token%/id/ Removes a player from the servers session. Retruns 1 on success else 0.
  • /delete_user/%token%/id/ Removes a player from the servers session. Retruns 1 on success else 0.
  • /get_incidents/%token%/ Returns a ","-seperated list of player-ids (on the samp server), which have matching incidents.

Usage You'll mostly find your self using adduser to check if the player has dfairplay installed and deleteuser to remove it. If you do that on every connect/disconnect you can safely use get_incidents to find all players which have reported incidents while dfairplay installed!


All functions may return these error codes:

 1 = true
 0 = false
-1 = function not found
-2 = incorrect parameter count
-3 = invalid parameter
-4 = session expired 

In api, dfairplay by DracoBlue @ 07 Apr 2009 | 386 Words

Mounting SSH/SFTP Remote Folders in Eclipse

If you are using windows as operating system and want to access files available on unix-based remote file systems, you have only limited amount of options. In case you are using Eclipse as development environment, we'll have a look at an alternative, which does not use samba-shares.

A nice option is the plugin

Target Management (RSE). It allows you to add any remote systems to the remote file system explorer.

Once RSE is installed, you are able to add a folder (like you did before) but link it to local or RSE location. Select RSE and choose the path on your remote system!

In eclipse, open source by DracoBlue @ 01 Apr 2009 | 105 Words

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