
Wizards! Creating the Agavi-Project

After we

set up our agavi + propel libraries for the new project we want to create the project from scratch. Thatswhy we will not use the “agavi project-wizard” command but use “agavi project” instead.

$ agavi project
Agavi > project-wizard
Agavi > project-create
Project base directory [/home/jan/workspacePhp/tambo]:

We'll just hit [return], since that's exactly where the project should be.

Project name: [New Agavi Project]: Tambo

We may choose any name here, it's just for the stats/config. My example assumes Tambo.

Project prefix (used, for example, in the project base action) [Tambo]:

Agavi already created a prefix which fits well, so hit [return].

Default template extension [php]:

Yes, we're fine with .php as extension for templates (hit [return]).

Document-root relative path to the Agavi index.php script [/]:

This is the path, which will be used if you access the project on your webserver. In my case the project will be accessible at http://localhost/ws/tambo/ so I fill /ws/tambo/

pub/ . If you have any other folder, like http://localhost/ tambo you use /tambo/ pub/. As you may see the project itself will have a folder pub, we'll look at that later. Now I hope you got an idea on how that document root is build.

Space-separated list of modules to create for Tambo [Default]:

We'll create the modules later, so we hit [return].

Now, follows the project creation task. As soon as you are skilled with Agavi and already know what Modules/Models/Views/Actions you want to create, you'll get how to fill these fields. For the start: It's not important and not a problem, if you just keep the default!

Space-separated list of actions to create for Default:

Laters! Hit [return].

Module for default system action [Default]:

Fine! Hit [return].

Action for default system action [Index]:

Fine! Hit [return].

Space-separated list of views to create for Index [Success]:

Fine! Hit [return].

Module for error_404 system action [Default]:

Fine! Hit [return].

Module for unavailable system action [Default]:

Fine! Hit [return].

Module for module_disabled system action [Default]:

Fine! Hit [return].

Module for secure system action [Default]:

Fine! Hit [return].

Module for login system action [Default]:

Fine! Hit [return].

Our project is now created. When we had over to our directory with the browser ( http://localhost/ws/tambo/pub/ ) we'll see our new application! Well done!

In agavi, open source, php, tambo by
@ 05 Feb 2009, Comments at Reddit & Hackernews

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