
How to use postgres with nodeJS

With NodeJS (built on V8) it's pretty simple to access libraries written in C/C++.

Since NodeJS is 100% non-blocking I/O you'll need to tell your libraries to do the same. Even though libmysql is not yet capable of doing that, you may use postgres for this.

Ryan's node_postgres is a binary binding.

Compiling is easy as usual:

$ node-waf configure build
This may not work if a bug in node-waf is still present. So you get the error: Version mismatch: waf 1.5.9 <> wafadmin 1.5.10. To fix that edit /usr/local/bin/node-waf and change 1.5.9 to 1.5.10.

If you receive the error: The program pk_config could not be found, you'll need to install postgres dev libraries package first. On debian/ubuntu you do that the following way:

$ sudo apt-get install libpq-dev

It may fail to build then with the message: "Build failed", "cxx binding.cc -> binding_1.o". I am currently running into the same issue and will post an update as soon as I got this fixed.

There is also an pure Javascript implementation of the Postgres API available at


In javascript, node.js by
@ 23 Dec 2009, Comments at Reddit & Hackernews

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