
Hello World Benchmarks for Nodejs Web Frameworks

Since I am releasing

spludo pretty soon, I wanted to check out how performance is against other web frameworks for node.js.

To keep it fair (and little expressive) I just took the hello world application from each framework and benchmarked those with apache benchmark.

Concurrency Level: 256

ab -n 10000 -c 256 http://spludo.com:8080/


josi: 4626.37 [#/sec]
expressjs: 3998.17 [#/sec]
(fab): 6588.95 [#/sec]
picard: 4648.41 [#/sec]
[strong]spludo 6780.38 [#/sec][/strong]

Concurrency Level: 1

ab -n 10000 -c 1 http://spludo.com:8080/


josi: 3012.32 [#/sec]
expressjs: 2744.79 [#/sec]
(fab): 4271.43 [#/sec]
picard: 4755.03 [#/sec]
[strong]spludo: 3866.12 [#/sec][/strong]

The source code for all sample applications may be found at the

public gist post.

The Test PC was a i7-920 Quadcore with HT and 8GB DDR3 RAM and a single node.js instance running.

In javascript, node.js, spludo by
@ 14 Jun 2010, Comments at Reddit & Hackernews

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