When I was developing on http://web.twtxt.org I ran into this mysterious javascript error:
InvalidCharacterError: DOM Exception 5: An invalid or illegal character was specified, such as in an XML name.
(anonyme Funktion)bundle.js:245
The source code in question took a base64 encoded content of the github api and converted it with window.atob into an utf8 string.
This worked well except for safari on iOS!
Thanks to Ross117 at SO I looked further at the base64 encoded string:
// error: DOM Exception 5: An invalid or illegal character was specified, such as in an XML name.
As you can see there is a small \n
within the string. Chrome manages to ignore that, but Safari fails with this DOM Exception 5
So this is my fix:
var input = "MjAxNi0wMy0xOFQxOToxNzozOC4xMTNaCS9uaWNrIGRyYWNvYmx1ZQoyMDE2\nLTAzLTE4VDE5OjE3OjM4LjExM1oJL3R3dHVybCBodHRwczovL2RyYWNvYmx1";
var output = atob(input.replace(/\s/g, ""));
// works!
to get rid of the whitespaces. I filled a support request at github, to ask if they can remove the additional \n
in their
api response, since it seems like it is not necessary at all.