On lua mailing list somebody asked if there is any way to check very short if an element is in a specific list of elements.
In php you would do for example
if (in_array("A",array("A","B","C")) ) { echo "hello"; }
Of course, everyone can write a short in_table function in lua:
function in_table ( e, t )
for _,v in pairs(t) do
if (v==e) then return true end
return false
But Asko answered a clever and very short way:
if ({A=1,B=1,C=1})["A"] then print("hello") end
Why does that work?
creates nothing but a table with following style:
[A] => 1
[C] => 1
(used print_r for lua here)
So what does ({A=1,B=1,C=1})["A"] do then? It returns the value of the table's ["A"]-Field. And this is 1! Thatswhy the 'then'-branch will be used.
Basicly its using lua's all table entries are set or nil way to check whether a element is set as key in the temporary table or not.
So if you use your own lua implementation for in_table or do it that tricky way is your choice!