
Editing Chrome: Basics with Database

After you installed Google Chrome or downloaded latest version of chromium, you will notice a

user data directory for chrome.

Most of this files, contain information in the sqlite3-database format. Using the free sqlite database browser, you can easily access/modify/delete data in that files.

I'll give you know a short information about what some of these files contain and where you should start, if you want to edit them by hand.

Cookies: Contains every information available about cookies. If you really need to get in touch with them, check the file on your own.

Web Data-> keywords: All information about the search engines, auto suggest features and the categories for the search engines are configured here.

History->downloads: What files have been downloaded and when started the download.

History->urls: How often did you visited a page (vistcount), how often did you typed the uri on your own (typedcount), what was it's lastest title, is the url hidden?, when did you visited the page the last time.

History-visits: [em]Each [/em]visit for a page (url). Contains for example: Time (visittime) and previous page (fromvisit).

Some of the files are not encoded with sqlite3-format. An other format is the JSONoation, so we'll continue with the json-user-data-files of Chrome in the next article.

In articles, google chrome, windows by
@ 05 Sep 2008, Comments at Reddit & Hackernews

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