
Getting LaTeX to work on Windows

After I got the following errors:

! LaTeX Error: Cannot determine size of graphic in filename.jpg (no BoundingBox).

when trying:


And those errors on a .tex file (a friend gave me):

I found no \citation commands
I found no \bibdata command
I found no \bibstyle command

and several other issues with my latex editors on windows machines, I finally figured out to convert that tex to pdf.

First of all I installed the

miktex latex command line tools. I downloaded basic version here, worked fine.

TexnicCenter and LEd can't manage to edit UTF-8 files. So I needed to stick with texmaker (which works also on linux and mac os). To get utf-8 working there, I switched to Options -> Configure Texmaker and turned Font to utf-8.

After I got those issues with includegraphics tags, I changed the 'fast translation'-key F1 to PdfLatex -> ViewPDF (in options) and: It workes well, even with those images.

In articles, latex, open source, windows by
@ 23 Aug 2007, Comments at Reddit & Hackernews

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