
Linear least squares in Javascript

Today I ran into the problem, that I had a graph full of data points, which obviously did not form a straight line.

There is a method called

Linear least squares to calculate the straight line with least difference to the original data points.

Since I needed the method in javascript, here is what I came up with in the end.

function findLineByLeastSquares(values_x, values_y) {
    var sum_x = 0;
    var sum_y = 0;
    var sum_xy = 0;
    var sum_xx = 0;
    var count = 0;

     * We'll use those variables for faster read/write access.
    var x = 0;
    var y = 0;
    var values_length = values_x.length;

    if (values_length != values_y.length) {
        throw new Error('The parameters values_x and values_y need to have same size!');

     * Nothing to do.
    if (values_length === 0) {
        return [ [], [] ];

     * Calculate the sum for each of the parts necessary.
    for (var v = 0; v < values_length; v++) {
        x = values_x[v];
        y = values_y[v];
        sum_x += x;
        sum_y += y;
        sum_xx += x*x;
        sum_xy += x*y;

     * Calculate m and b for the formular:
     * y = x * m + b
    var m = (count*sum_xy - sum_x*sum_y) / (count*sum_xx - sum_x*sum_x);
    var b = (sum_y/count) - (m*sum_x)/count;

     * We will make the x and y result line now
    var result_values_x = [];
    var result_values_y = [];

    for (var v = 0; v < values_length; v++) {
        x = values_x[v];
        y = x * m + b;

    return [result_values_x, result_values_y];
In algorithm, javascript by
@ 13 Feb 2010, Comments at Reddit & Hackernews

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